Green Shoots Dunollie Walled Garden
Green Shoots is a community walled garden where people can grow food, enjoy nature and develop other practical skills together. Green Shoots has is now established at it’s new home in the Walled Garden at Dunollie Estate. We have Open Garden Days on every second Saturday from April to October. We are always looking for new volunteers so please contact us.
It is based in the beautiful Dunollie Walled Garden. We have a yurt and we are currently building an outside cooking area. We welcome anyone to come and help grow fruit, vegetables and flowers, cook outdoors, develop wood working or other garden-based skills.
The garden is used daily by groups and is open on a Tuesday and Thursday from 10am - 4pm for volunteers.
We offer volunteer and work placements and welcome people with additional needs.
John - Green Shoots Horticulture worker and Ryan- Horticultural Assistant
Green SHOOTS oPEN dAY dATES 2025
Saturday 12th April, 10th May, 14th June, 12th July, 9th August, 13th Sept, 11th October 2025 from 10am -2pm.
Open space
On a Wednesday we have a group called Open Space where people can come and improve their mental health by learning new woodland based skills
The garden can be accessed by groups and individuals outwith scheduled times by arrangement. Please email or phone us on 01631 565730 during opening hours.